
[]class GarageDoor(object): def init(self): # Initial status; and variables that will be used. self.state = "CLOSED" self.stopped_state = "" self.blocked = False print("Door: " + self.state) self.states_dict = {"CLOSED": "OPENING", "OPEN": "CLOSING", "CLOSING": "CLOSED", "OPENING": "OPEN", "STOPPED_WHILE_OPENING": "CLOSING", "STOPPED_WHILE_CLOSING": "OPENING", "EMERGENCY_OPENING": "OPEN_BLOCKED", "OPEN_BLOCKED": "OPEN"} self.stop_states = {"OPENING": "STOPPED_WHILE_OPENING", "CLOSING": "STOPPED_WHILE_CLOSING"} self.blocked_states = {"CLOSING": "EMERGENCY_OPENING"}

def perform(self, action):
    # Own code which prints the status and makes entering the strings valid
    if action == "button_clicked" and not self.blocked and self.state not in ("OPEN_BLOCKED", "EMERGENCY_OPENING"):
        # When the door is blocked it shouldn't accept input!
    elif action == "cycle_complete":
    elif action == "block_detected" and self.state != "EMERGENCY_OPENING":
        # Without the second condition it would cause an error
    elif action == "block_cleared" and self.blocked and self.state != "EMERGENCY_OPENING":

def button_clicked(self):
    if self.state in self.stop_states.keys():
        # If the status is opening/closing
        self.state = self.stop_states[self.state]
        self.state = self.states_dict[self.state]

def cycle_complete(self):
    # Avoid re-running of the Cycle Complete command
    if self.state in self.stop_states.keys() or self.state == "EMERGENCY_OPENING":
        self.state = self.states_dict[self.state]

def block(self):
    # For the bonus, I save the prior status when the door blocks
    self.stopped_state = self.state
    # And if the door is opening/closing, behaviour changes
    if self.state == "CLOSING":
        self.state = self.blocked_states[self.state]
    # To prevent inputs when blocked
    self.blocked = True    

def clear(self):
    # Un-block the door
    self.blocked = False
    self.state = self.stopped_state
    # Return to "OPEN"
    if self.stopped_state == "CLOSING":
        self.state = "OPEN"

def door_print(self, action):
    print("> " + action.replace("_", " ").capitalize()
          + "\nDoor: " + self.state + " | Blocked = " + str(self.blocked))

a = "button_clicked" b = "cycle_complete" c = "block_detected" d = "block_cleared"

garage_door1 = GarageDoor()

input1 = '''button_clicked cycle_complete button_clicked button_clicked button_clicked button_clicked button_clicked cycle_complete'''

for x in input1.split(): garage_door1.perform(x)


garage_door2 = GarageDoor()

input2 = '''button_clicked cycle_complete button_clicked block_detected button_clicked cycle_complete button_clicked block_cleared button_clicked cycle_complete'''

for x in input2.split(): garage_door2.perform(x)

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