This week I was banned from 400+ subreddits in a day. I broke no rules and never even posted in most of them. The two power mods that did this to me have been power-tripping for years and they're the exact type of authoritarian stooges that fit right in with Reddit CEO Ellen Pao's new reddit.

First I should say that any references to the first amendment in these matters are ridiculous for arguing the merit of either side. It's clear what the first amendment means in the letter of the law and it doesn't cover this sort of thing, for or against. Obviously there are liberals who like to refer to as an argument ender it but it's simply not the discussion. I think opting out of the debate using the 1st is due to people's weariness of engaging with many of your (collectively) spammy, bad faith debate tactics, but an eye for an eye gets people nowhere.

For every one SRC type who is a longtime reddit member there are 10 who are more who are spammy interlopers who clearly have a home on another site, or use an alt on reddit. It's obvious because nobody goes on the internet to do one activity (especially something like spaming substance-less racism) and I never see these racist accounts do anything like talk about any sort of hobby or ideologically neutral life-activities. Almost as if you are using multiple accounts in a manner that breaks the rules of the site. And I forgot to even mention the consistent brigading.

The above is the 'reddit related' part of discussion but I think that there is a broader element to talk about:

I will admit that there are circular elements to this argument,

fuck that, this isn't even an argument, rather something to consider. A genuine heartfelt message to people who post these (to use a loose euphemism) unwanted things and think that it represents the exercising of some beautiful right.

What do you get out of it? Can you name one thing that is worthwhile?

In america we have have the freest speech in the world and that means that we are free to abuse it. I don't think it should be illegal or removed from the internet to say or believe the things you do, but why have you decided that this is the hill you want to die on?

at the very least Christians think that they are following their fucked up interpretation of bible.

You tarnish the first amendment with your words. You're the speech version of the people who leave their guns out loaded with their little toddler kids running around. Or the guy who uses the union to be lazy at work.

This may seem like a silly distinction, but I DO completely support your ability to have a voice on the internet at large. If there weren't already existing supporting (of your views) places as well as literal reddit clones I think your argument against being censored here would have significantly more merit.

I have this metaphorical visual image of you guys wiping your mouth with an american flag. Like chocolate. or shit. Because knowing that you have the unlimited right to say what you want, you take it and abuse the hell out of it. When you are deliberately trying to make people mad and upset the apple cart, don't be surprised when people get mad.

I'm probably being stupid to think that there are people among you who actually believe they are protecting and exercising the spirit of the first amendment. It's probably more like a whac a mole with disingenuous trolls who are hiding behind it.

For those who are doing it knowingly (trolling), there are legally and generally principles that distinguish genuine good faith speech from knowingly false speech. In this way there is a 'bright line rule' (ie, no slippery slope/ your speech isn't considered speech in the fullest sense) however its buried in your intent which only you can know.

This started as a quick little thing but it turned into a ramble. I have been very idealistic lately and have been thinking about how the powers that be (not the CEO of a single website) have many good people at each others necks over small differences.

Our society and the society is going in a direction that is contrary to your views. There is no positive element of fascism or rabid conservatism that you can't find in droves in a less extreme, more pro social ideology. Just like in congress, you are not an alternative to the 'big liberal jew obama university illuminatti liberal democrat complex'.

last thing, remember the human. keep in mind that other than becoming a communist university professor, there is not much more of a way that i could be your enemy. What have YOU become that your complete idealogical enemy speaks to you like this?

/r/subredditcancer Thread