Weekly /r/Nanny Discusson - Can't Take it Wednesday!

I'm a little paranoid about posting this, but I don't think the parents go on Reddit. I don't know if This was the right thread, but I'm desperate.

I'm a nanny for a close relative's 9 month old. When I first started, the parents both worked, dad being home a bit throughout the week. The mom has since quit her job without getting a new one first, and the dad is in a slow-sales season, so they're both home nearly the whole 8 hours, in and out of the baby's area, which is another issue in itself. There is also an extremely aggressive dog that has drawn blood from not only me, but a few other people. I'm scared to death of the dog, but they insist I take her with us on walks. Im also scared that the baby will pull the dog's hair and she'll bite the baby, and then I'll get blamed. Babies crawl quickly, and sometimes he reaches his destination. I expressed my fear, and let them know I wasn't comfortable walking her, and I was told that basically that's my problem. She just recently bit a delivery person, and she took off after a jogger one time on a walk, but I still have to deal with her.

On top of that, it's cold - freezing during the day a lot of the time, so I don't take the baby out on those days since he just ends up crying after 20 minutes (he's completely bundled up). The dad recently became extremely agitated that I wasn't taking him out every single day. I let him know I do 3 to 4 times a week usually, but he was livid and said he'd just do it himself. An hour later, he came into the kitchen, stated, "I don't mean to be a d*ck, but you need to take my boy out every day." I reminded him of how cold it was, and that I'm under no obligation to do so, and that not every nanny takes a baby on a winter walk every single day. His face then morphed into something angry, and he started yelling - yes, yelling and cursing about how I might not be the nanny I could be, maybe I'm not right for them, etc on and on. I told him I didn't know where this was coming from, and he snapped back that I need to stop playing the victim. I was flabbergasted. He stormed out of the house. His wife came down and I let her know he yelled at me about walks, and then she brought all kinds of strange things, like "maybe I should considered not being in school because you can't handle both; I'm on my phone too much instead of playing with the baby (I surf the web while sitting behind the baby sometimes because he's playing, and I don't think I need to hover, however, this has since stopped); you focus on your schoolwork instead of the baby (I've never pulled out my homework before the baby is napping); stop playing the victim; and the dad was justified to yell and curse at me." By the way, the dad has been fired for his attitude and words before.

I was vulnerable, scared, and thrown off guard. All I did was apologize, and I feel full of shame because if it. Not that they need to know, but I have severe PTSD from being beaten by a parent when I was younger, so I don't do well around dominating personalities, and they are both very aggressive sales people. I was up all night with the same nightmare of the dad punching me in the face. The dad apologized three times over two days, but I'm sick about it. I can't eat or sleep, and I feel I'm under a microscope with them both being home with a nanny cam on me. I did my best to pretend everything is fine and gave some fake smiles because I need to pay rent.

I used to be able to take the baby to the zoo, museums, etc, but yesterday she said I'm not allowed to take him on the freeway. So now we're stuck within the vicinity of the house all day being watched and judged. I can't use my phone anymore, and I can't bring my homework, and I'm not allowed to have tv on, so I feel trapped with this violent dog, and the baby cries and longs for his parents all day because he hears and sees them. Therefore, they hear the baby whine and cry all day, which I'm assuming is why they think he's in a bad mood. I was also told by the mum that the baby has been in a bad mood all month because of me. I sat down in shock and insisted I feel I've had a smile on my face this entire time. Again, I'm full of shame because I apologized instead of sticking up for myself because I'm a full-time student an d need a paycheck.

After all that, here's the question: Do I find another job and quit? They're very defensive and aggressive, so how do I quit without being stuck in their house being yelled at for an hour after giving notice? The dad argues with me even when I agree with him sometimes. Do I bother with two week's notice? There is a "contract," but it was just between us, and I feel it's been voided due to the strange behavior and sudden changes. We will no doubt all be spending time at holidays and such together sometime in the future, so I just want to make things smooth again. They are not related to me, but my husband.

I'm not denying that I may have shown some stress when school first started, and I'm definitely not saying I don't have flaws that probably annoy the parents, but the feeling I have is so painful in my stomach that I know something's not right.

/r/Nanny Thread