Weekly Type Me Thread - December 23, 2019

I can give a pretty decent typing of others but I'm quite not sure about my type tet so here goes: Me in School -- I don't have that many friends in school since they most, just see me as your normal everyday smartass. -- I'm also quite the weirdo, talking to myself when I'm doing nothing and getting caught up with my delusions. -- I get really good grades but I strive to do better to prove to myself that I'm the best (pretty weird I know). -- Contrary to the statement earlier, I'm a huge procrastinator with pretty much everything. -- I go to the library in my free time just to get some air from the noisy atmosphere in class. -- I like reading, as expected. Me at home -- I like joking around with my family. -- In my opinion, my familly is the only genuine thing in my life. -- I usually get reprimanded by my father for dreaming about the what-ifs. -- Despite genuinely loving my family though, I still fell like no one can ever truly understand me. Just me -- I'm a nonconformist and a firm believer of egoism. -- I planning on studying nanotechnology in the future. -- My biggest source of anxiety right now is finding more genuine things in my life and proving that I'm not just academically smart.

/r/mbti Thread