Black people contribute equally to the continuation of racism. (I’m black)

Okay, I see your point. Growing up as one of the “white” people in a Mexican family definitely came with discomforts, and I have witnessed plenty of distancing from white people through many levels of aggressive comments and encouraged distrust. While it is definitely problematic and definitely doesn’t contribute positively to working against racism, I still wouldn’t say that the contribution is EQUAL on the minority and historically oppressed side. I think it’s important to remember that the oppression - especially of Black people - was and is systemic. It extends past de facto beliefs passed down through generations. It’s extends systematically, evident in our prison system, housing displacement, and access to essentially all resources, financial to healthy food (and many other ways too). I’m sorry if this was all slightly off topic or a little overboard, but I definitely think it helps to acknowledge the differences.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread