Well guess who's an hardcore strategy game fan? Age of empires II, Civilization V' and even Crusader kings II!

Warning: I got into this way too much

Maybe she'll get better at tactics if she starts playing some Saddle & Edge or better yet, something from the Entire Battles series, especially since Entire Battles: ConflictMallet was recently released.

Though playing ConflictMallet 404Kek might be the best option if we're going to be dealing with other races and space tech. But she'd need some other people to play. Steven would try anything, and Pearl might be interested, as well as Peridot.

Steven would either play τ since they're the least Bleak-Black, but I don't know if I could pinpoint a play style that would fit him, possibly something eccentric like maybe the Bjorks?

Speaking of Bjorks, if Amethyst were to join she'd definitely play the Bjorks and even go far enough to yell "BAAAGH!" while shapeshifting into one

Connie would easily play the Sovereignty of Guys, even role playing her devotion to the Kaizer.

Pearl is a hard one to pin down, I can see her enjoying τ because of play style, but I can also see her going Elfgar. But I honestly don't know enough about them to really say. She would roleplay too because, come on, it's Pearl.

Peridot is easily an Egypto-Bot player. People would think she's roleplaying but she would really actually just be gloating and actually trying to assimilate everyone.

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