You were just bullshitting Luke this entire time Obi-Wan.

I haven't seen my father in 20 years. But your comment just reminded me that we watched Return of the Jedi together on VHS in 1997. He had abandoned us a few years prior but stuck around a little. It was good being a teenager, not living with him, having a little fun and it would be another 10 years before I uncovered the memories of how he used to beat me when I was very young. I hated him for hurting my mom and leaving the family in those teenage years. The earlier stuff wouldn't make me hate him until I was about to get married and I had one of those flashbacks and realized all those things that bothered me about life and trusting someone were all wrapped up in the fact that when I was 4 or 5 years old my dad would come home from work and whoop me with a belt for not doing anything wrong. I was such a good kid, so good at school. My mother screaming, begging him to leave me alone.

He joked, when the lightsabers crossed right in front of the emperor's face, "why not let it slip and slice his head off?"

It seemed like a good question: why not end that pressure? It seemed at that point like both Luke and Vader would be better off without the Emperor, they could both "pretend" together to slice off the emperor's head. From Vader's perspective, Vader could become the chief, and from Luke's perspective, that's one less sith.

Forgive me, I was a teenager.

But now, with your comment, u/____deadpool____, I realize that I don't know who my father meant when he said it would be a good idea to "accidentally" decapitate the emperor. For Luke? Or for Vader? I assumed my father meant Luke, Luke was there to destroy the dark side. I know now he meant Vader, because the Emperor - this great external force that he could blame - made him engage his son in those moments with violence. My father might just have made that comment because he hoped I would forgive him for what he did to me.

I see it the other way. The same way I saw it originally: Luke should kill his father and Luke should kill the emperor too. The father for being a bastard who would mutilate his own son, and the emperor just because of plot points ... jedi has to kill sith, etc.

I would kill my father if I saw him. Or I already have, in my head, so many times that in reality I don't know if I would care if he even walked by. He is dead to me. I am dead in a way too, a way that is erased by being so good to my sons. I give them everything. I teach them everything. I am slow to anger. My 3 year old knows 100 dinosaurs and today he watched me solder one of his toys back together. He'll learn to shoot and build computers and have a discussion like a man. He'll learn to fight but not to solve anything except someone being violent to start.

My father deserves a knife across his throat. What man could take joy out of beating your own little boy? Sick fuck. Phony Vader with bullshit apologies. Should have thrown himself off the walkway with the emperor.

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