Why We're STILL Trading Sideways and Why We Haven't Launched

Umm, does this now make a lot more sense why some redditors are pushing people into shifting their 401ks into GME-containing ETFs? Could it be Vanguard and Fidelity pushing this in order to benefit their funds and holdings? If so it's probably benign, and maybe even beneficial to Apes.

We should be asking ourselves how the other side might benefit from that. And if what you're saying is true, we need to broaden our idea of who the other side really is. It isn't just Citadel, it's everyone trying to keep the price in check until regs are in place.

In the meantime, Citadel and others are fighting a proxy war using Reddit to stand in for retail. The "good enemies" (including Gamestop, Cohen, Blackrock, etc.) suppress retail buying with media manipulation and maintaining sideways movement, while the "bad enemy" Shitadel tries to wrestle back as many shares from redditors as it can with the time it's been given.

By concentrating as much of retail as possible in reddit, they significantly reduce the size of the battlefield. They further reduce it by slowly pushing everyone into a single sub. This all happens in the weeks leading up to this one. This plan was put in motion long ago, so even if things are now delayed, they thought this was going to be the week.

If there's that much coordination at the top, then there's a lot more going on down here than we thought as well.

/r/Superstonk Thread