We're Wildly Underestimating the Potential of Mobile Housing

3 years ago I was quoted 245000 for a basic 900sq 2 bedroom new mobile home, that didn't include the move or taxes. Plus I would need a foundation because of codes and I own my land. We can't bring in mobile homes older than 10 years. I ended up getting a recycled house ( instead of demolishing it they move it) . I ended up buying one last year, a 4 bedroom 1200sq bungalow for 72000 that included the move. It seemed easy but it took 8 months to get a building permit (that's normal for my area) we had to move it without permits. Then we were held hostage by a building inspector who really dislikes recycled houses and just about bankrupted us by wanting us to do a bunch of unnecessary work. Thank goodness we were able to get help and got in touch with a very good inspector who is helping us. Realistically we should have been in our house last summer since all buildings you move need an engineers report stating they are structurally sound. But the long permitting wait and the hold up caused by one inspector added a year to our build time. In BC they demolish good houses all of the the time instead of going to the landfill they should move them. Building departments and inspectors have too much power and I the their should be more Provincial involvement to make things easier for home builders.

/r/canadahousing Thread Link - sightline.org