Why do we play by the rules in society if the game is rigged by the rich?

Okay, so you know how sometimes now and then there is that one person who it truly is 'do as they say and not as they do'?

Okay, so that's this right now.

Start a small business, invest in ETF's with a portion of your savings while reinvesting the dividends, hold any overflow of that in savings in TFSA's and RRSP's, use every available tax benefit you can as a small business, incorporate as a Canadian-Controlled Private Corporation; and make use of all of that to purchase as much capital such as land and properties as you can manage without making use of loans and mortgages if you can.

I'm sure someone with more knowledge on all of these things can shed light on the finer details, and I am certain I am potentially incorrect about something in there possibly; but that's the gist of it from what I have learned so far. I just have to apply it.

/r/canadahousing Thread