Single family home prices visualized. Canada's largest cities. Data from CREA.

I've worked in and out of oil and gas for 10 years, I am very aware of the situation. The number given is median, not mean, so the minimum wage increase wouldn't impact the number.

At the end of the day, the guy who is sitting at the exact midpoint of income in Calgary, with half us making less than him and half making more than him, is making more than that same position any year in the past.

The make-up of the people on either side of him may have changed back and forth a little, but incomes have increased in the city.

Just look at this thread and some of the top comments. Not just me

This is all anecdotal. Off the top of my head, everyone I know who lost their O&G job in 2015-2017 is back to work, and in some cases (myself included) are in a much better spot now.

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