Federal government commits to build 260 new homes in Toronto

Frankly it pisses me off now every time I hear “affordable housing”. It’s completely unjust that a handful of people working minimum wage jobs win the lottery and are handed housing in desirable areas of Toronto, while we always “make too much” to be eligible for any help (read: we pay for all of these programs with outrageous taxes) and have to move to f*cking Alberta to buy a basic home. Affordable housing for “the most vulnerable” is great - people on ODSP and so forth shouldn’t be forced into homelessness. But it has to include policies that ensure the people who are highly productive in society can also afford to be rewarded for their labor. The current setup is completely unjust. It’s bad for those in legitimate poverty (ten year waiting lists, etc. ridiculous.) and it’s bad for those who pay for all of the programs via taxation.

/r/canadahousing Thread Parent Link - toronto.ctvnews.ca