What do You think about America right now?

This is going to come off terrible, on Reddit. But just about any moderate person I feel would have to agree.

First off, America is resilient. We aren’t seeing a collapse, and it’s likely “too big to fail” without deliberate attempts (which could happen, but I’m optimistic checks and balances will win out).

We have and are however degrading our “culture”. This is what has tanked every empire. We are giving up freedoms for security theatre. We are incentivizing dependency. We are turning our backs to objective reality and trying to mandate morality.

Pockets of America are showing real time what this “culture” shift leads to, and instead of reversing course, we are doubling and tripling down as people refuse to believe they’re wrong.

American (probably) won’t fall - but it will be a painful and long lesson to learn for many.

/r/AskReddit Thread