What activities are more fun when done alone?

I love elevator rides - it's like a mini social experiment. Sometimes I'll start talking to one person in particular and see what happens (hey - great boots!); other times, I'll make a general comment to the group (man, this weather sucks). Based on area culture (NE vs GA, say), location (office building vs mall), and demographics, the responses vary unbelievably. I've actually made some friends that I still keep in touch with (until they read this post, anyway...), and been invited to join a group for dinner, clued in on a super shoe sale, etc. The most universal thing I've observed is - without exception - that when the person closest to the control panel(s) gets off the elevator, the group shifts and someone takes "the place of power", even if no other buttons or such need to be pushed. I've started subtly blocking this move by being too far away to count as the "power person", but too close for someone to feel okay about invading my space to assume that position themselves. The fact that I'm female really helps this part, since guys (nice ones), won't want to come across as creepy, but almost can't stand it (often literally shifting restlessly) - especially when another guy is in the elevator. It's like the power vacuum makes them nuts. :D TL;DR - Treating elevator rides as psychology experiments can provide much fun and entertainment.

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