What is an addiction the world just accepts?

Yep. I had a classmate who was on her phone 24/7. Our teacher got mad at her many times because she wouldn’t put her phone down even for a second.

The biggest incident was when our teacher was handing out tests and he demanded she put her phone in her bag because she wasn’t allowed to keep it on her desk (for obvious reasons)

Normally she would comply after some back and forth but this time she wasn’t budging. An argument ensued and everyone witnessed our teacher snatching the phone from her desk and telling her she would get it back as soon as she was done with the test.

She. Blew. Up. She had an absolute mental breakdown. She was screaming, crying, banging the table with her fist until she started throwing stuff. She went absolutely nuts and threw anything to the ground she could get her hand on. (Mind you this girl was 17 at the time!)

She wasn’t waiting for any important calls, or she hadn’t received any bad new or anything. She just wanted to have her phone close by at all times (I know this because unfortunately I was semi- friends with her at the time and when I asked her after class and she just shrugged and started scrolling on her phone like nothing happened.

TLDR: witnessed a 17 year old have a temper tantrum because our teacher confiscated her phone because of a test.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent