What anime do you have the most controversial opinion on?

We are talking about this sub so the rest of that sentence is incredibly irrelevant

I still stand by the rest of it despite having less experience on this sub than you, as I have seen both sides of the coin, and one side particularly did not drown out the other. And it's not at all as though I started browsing r/anime yesterday.

When you implied people couldn't see deep if they didn't want to you very much did

I'm not saying they don't want to see deep at all. I literally said, more or less, that 'people who see depth will probably see other depth, and people who do not see depth will probably not see other depth.' People notice things they notice. People do not notice things they don't notice. And further on I said that 'depth is in the eye of the diver,' so I clearly think that the depth you perceive is a personal thing. In no way shape or form am I saying that people are in denial about perceiving depth.

Nope, It totally is

Okay, sure- in the vaguest non-defense possible, but sure.

Please stop using words you don't actually understand the proper use, It looks silly and pretentious


To be anecdotal is to be: "not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research."

You said "Most people try to explain away...", and I said " feel like I see this criticism of the fanbase more than I see." Neither of these are anecdotes? You or I haven't come across every single discussion of Monogatari on this forum, so these statements we made are obviously informed by our own personal encounters, unless there's of course a study that was done (which you can point me to) that has the numbers on just how many people (exactly!) act as you claim. 'I look in some threads and see some people act in a certain way' is as anecdote as it can possibly get.

I pointed out that fans of SAO acknowledge its flaws but enjoy watching it anyway.

"The premise and overall story is enjoyable enough to watch though" sounds a lot like a personal opinion- it was not clear that you were speaking for all SAO fans here.

Just because a show is bad does not mean people cannot enjoy it

Of course people can enjoy shows they think are bad. I never claimed otherwise.

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