What are you ashamed to admit?

How horribly behind I am in life and for people my own age group. I’m 21 (22 in June), not in college, and have been unemployed for a year and a half. I struggle with severe anxiety and have to make an appointment for medication and start therapy in May.

I see all my friends who are graduating university this year who own their own cars, have their own place and go to Cuba for the summer. I don’t have the strength to go anywhere by myself and when I do, I pat myself on the back for not having a complete hysterical breakdown for being able to be away from my parents for over an hour. You’re telling me you got on a plane and got a passport by yourself without your parents being there? I could never do that?

The worst part of my anxiety is that I know it’s consuming me and will likely continue to take over. I’m terrified what I’ll learn in therapy will go in one ear and out the other and I’ll never go after anything in my life. There’s something comforting about using my mental health as an excuse to work a part time job and still live with my parents at 55, as sad as that is to say.

/r/AskReddit Thread