What are you giving for Christmas?

A lot

Mom is getting an electric blanket Dad is getting money bc I never know what he wants My sister and BIL are getting a gift card to their favorite restaurant for the two of them. Also a gift card to the bowling alley for the family bc they all like bowling. My nephew is getting a nerf gun and a soccer ball My niece is getting some toddler toys Grandma is getting a new handbag and a necklace I think she will like. Grandpa is getting a new watch My MIL is getting a necklace and bracelet set she liked My FIL wanted a specific bottle of whiskey so he's getting that. All of my cousins kids ( 11 of them) I got gift cards to the trampoline park for each kid. Hubby is getting a hammock, some sexy time stuff, cologne, a few tools he wants, his favorite snacks, and a few other small things.

I bought me a necklace, bracelet, and earring set I liked.

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