What are good places for a young man to get actual good advice?

Here's the thing about advice: most of the time it's person-dependant. Meaning that whether or not the advice is actually good or works depends more on the person giving it and the person receiving it than what is actually said in the advice. What works for some won't work for all. There is no accounting for luck, coincidence, happenstance, or things out of your control. There's a reason most life advice seems incredibly basic, because what's most often repeated is usually universally applicable: exercise, eat healthy, get enough sleep, have hobbies and interests, don't overdo drugs and alcohol, treat people well, be true to yourself etc.

The best way I can summarize it - and I'll indulge in an incredibly nerdy analogy here - is life advice is like hit chance in the XCOM games: even if you're doing it 95% right on paper, there's still no guarantee to hit. And conversely you can be doing only 30% right, and somehow still land a hit. But you can increase those chances by doing a lot of the aforementioned things.

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