What are the lies that keep the world together?

Petty cash is valuable to the individual. Certain corporations have amounts of money of a scale to understand essentially requires training.

A million is roughly equivalent to a dollar if compared to a small business. A billion is a thousand millions.

Billion is easy to say, though you don't start to comprehend it until you see $1,000,000,000~ written out. I like burritos. Let's see how much a billion is as a thought experiment.

1 1 Billion 1,000,000,000.00 2 Burrito Cost $8.50 3 Burritos Per Day 3.00 Total Cost 25.50

Burrito Supply (days)(#1/#3)     39,215,686 

Burrito Supply (years)   107,440.24 

Feed a family of five 3 burritos a day (years supply)    21,488.05 

So, with 1 Billion dollars you could feed a family of five budgeting $25.50 per family member per day. Your supply would last 21,488 years. Or 671 family generations of five.

Some companies spend over a billion dollars in a year. Sales in the 10's of billions. A trillion is a thousand billions. The pentagon/US gov has "lost" well over a Trillion dollars through the recent wars.

$100-$200 can get you a fun night in many places. Money that flows in systems is on a different scale entirely than what people think of as they look at cash in hand.

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