What are the most toxic subreddits that you used to follow? And why do you think they’re toxic?

Oh man, this is almost kind of a confession, but almost all of them. I used to browse /r/cringeanarchy before it turned into rightwing propaganda, and then moved on to /r/cringetopia. Others were /r/iamverysmart, /r/justneckbeardthings, /r/niceguys, /r/delusionalartists, /r/insanepeoplefacebook, /r/... the list goes on.

I don't know when i noticed, but i eventually noticed that 99% of posts i saw were just making fun of someone. Sure, there were many people among them that deserved it for acting like assholes, but also many, many that were just doing their own thing - regardless of what that is - and don't really deserve to be mocked for it. Also, i used to be a major neckbeard when i was younger, so i'm not one to talk there, either. I just think that we should leave most of them be, only mock those that are hurting others, and the rest of the people "showcased" on subs like these - the ones not hurting anyone, but just being weird in a bad way - just maybe need some help to change for the better instead of being made fun of.

That being said, i do still browse /r/bookscirclejerk, because /r/books is a mess, let's be honest

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