Daily Discussion | May 02, 2019

After fixing the bugs, specially Pathfinder hitboxes(I can't deal with this character anymore, it's stressful, way too stressful), I think that creating a mmr/elo should be a priority. I'm tired of playing with looting larries who I ask after looting if they can join me and look for fights. Some of them start to talk shit and to go fk myself and what not. I understand if u're new to the game and I don't even ask those, but if u're 100+ or near, how the hell can u stay in the place u landed for almost 10mins or more? It's always the same outcome, they die in the 1st figth and proceed to blame me or just insta leave after getting down. Luckily I've met some decent players and whenever they are on I try to play with them otherwise this just isn't fun.

TL;DR: Too many bugs and looting larries. Need an mmr system asap. Game's not fun like this at all.

/r/apexlegends Thread