What are people's thoughts on the ranked rewards requirements?

The only thing you've "proved" is the amount of hours of ranked matches it would take to get a season reward for a player starting out at their true rank and maintaining that position.

The debate in this thread is over whether that amount of time seems reasonable. What you're doing is "proving" that you find it reasonable and then trying to objectively force that point of view on others.

I stated in my original comment that I'm not yet decided. I think the system can be gamed too easily (purposefully tanking a playlist to reach your reward in half the time). But I do agree with you in some respects, the time commitment for this system does works overall better to show people's true ranks if they put the time in.

Your contributions to this thread, however, have been limited to responding to everybody's points with the same "if you really deserved your rank you would get your reward easy". And "I find the time commitment reasonable so you should too.". You're adding little to the discussion and don't truly respond to people's points.

That's why most of your comments have been downvoted and responded to in the way that they have.

/r/RocketLeague Thread Parent