What are the pros and cons of Betsy Devos rescinding the Obama administration's Dear Colleague letter.

Something that's often missed in these discussions is a few things:

• Students don't have a right to representation when going up against their school in a disciplinary hearing. This means, effectively, the college can throw lawyers, the Dean of Students, and everything else at a student in such a hearing, while the accused has only themselves on their side. Nothing guarantees that a student can bring in council to assist - that is left up to the discretion of the college and its rules.

• Anything said in these hearings can be subpoenaed by a court. Given that college students are young and inexperienced with the law, they might not understand this, so if they accidentally slip up and admit to something to their school in an official hearing, that record can be sent to a court.

• The university doesn't have to do anything if a student if found innocent by a court. If the university and a court both accuse a student of sexual assault, and the court finds the student innocent, the university can still find the student guilty and expel the student - they don't have to take them or refund them tuition money. The accused is simply out of luck.

• The burden of proof for universities is different than the courts, by a long shot. A university can find you guilty of something if it's only 51% likely you committed a crime.

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