What are you sick of seeing on this sub?

Threads like this, full of people who can't either ignore something, or down vote it and move on without engaging. People who take the slightest thing they disagree with a demand mod action so their fragile sensibilities won't be slightly fractured for a moment. Threads full of people who post on every, single, thing, complaining about the smallest of things they simply can't get over. Basically anyone in this thread whining like a bunch of children, I'm sick of all of you. Go do something else with your time, /r/ottawa isn't your soapbox, sounding board, your place to feel good, this isn't facebook where you can create your own echo chamber and see only what you want to see. I disagree with the racist trolling too, I find some comments to be disgusting honestly, but then I find something else to do with my time and it rolls off my back like water off a duck. Please just spend your time better then this, go build something, travel, work out, anything but complaining on the internet about the internet.

/r/ottawa Thread