Jessa talking about Jinger's eating disorder.

I have a genuine question that might possibly be offensive: was she actually diagnosed with an ED? Or did she have disordered eating habits and is claiming now that it was an ED? I only ask because I have a weird history of disordered eating and sometimes have a skewed and often incorrect view on this type of thing.

I guess my thought is that if she realized as an adult through therapy and/or personal reflection that her habits were incredibly unhealthy and would definitely qualify as an ED, that’s fine. But she’s never mentioned therapy and doesn’t seem to have very deep thoughts (sorry Jing lol). I find it weird and attention-seeking to say you had an ED if you never had it diagnosed or even discussed it with a doctor at any point. But am I wrong? Again, I do tend to be wrong when it comes to food issues, so I do not mean to offend! I’m so sorry if I do!

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