What are some cheat codes you've found in the game of life?

I'm 25 and I like to dress well, I've seen a thing: in my languages is not like in English, the second person singular is for people you know or if someone is ''socially inferior'' to you (I don't know how to make it sound better, it is not a big deal), the third singular is for people you don't know and to show respect (you use it with teachers, elder people etc); so if you respect someone you will use the third person if you don't know that person or if it is older than you (until that person doesn not say to you to use the second person). Well, when I'm whit a t-shirt strangers use the second person with me, but if I wear a shirt people, even older people, will use the third!

A couple of months ago I was on the bus and I were very formal because I had a conference and a old well dressed woman used the third person with me, even if she was 70 or something and people old like her don't use this kind of regards with young man like me.

This to say what? That you are right! My friends, dress well and people will respect you, appareance matter! A common say her ein Italy say that ''the dress don't make the monk'' but it is not true.

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