What are some of the downsides/meh aspects of long-term relationships?

To me it's like, things that I didn't think would matter much do matter. Little quirks and habits and things like that. One of my guys is an unbelievably picky eater and preparing our menu for the month is always like pulling teeth because of him. I used to think it was cute/funny but now I just want to fucking strangle him every time. I do not have time for this shit at all.

My other guy just does not seem to understand the concept of sorting his fucking laundry. Every god damn weekend when I do the laundry I find his red shirt with the fucking whites. His jeans. Whatever. He basically rolls everything into a ball and like, throws it like a basketball across the room and not only does stuff fall on the floor, it all ends up in the wrong bin. He's THIRTY NINE YEARS OLD. Why does he do this???? WHY

And then there's all sorts of other things. I wanna watch something, but there's a soccer game on. We can't agree about what we want to do over the weekend. Etc etc. Mostly, I think especially when living together, there is the fact that you are, well, living together. Eventually you're gonna have to deal with all kinds of stuff together -- someone is gonna get sick and throw up on you, someone is gonna clog the toilet so badly that you need to call a plumber (still not sure how he managed that), someone is going to break or damage something you love. Your pets are going to die. You're going to have a lot of fights about money, and family, and all kinds of stuff like that. It's not easy.

I think overall I'm pretty lucky that all the big ugly stuff that I keep hearing about hasn't happened to us, but it's still not been a walk in the park by any means and I still want to scream at them sometimes. In fact I am about to go and do exactly that because somebody ate my yogurt again. Grrrr.

/r/AskWomen Thread