How "accurate" is the average MtF "bottom" surgery?

lol I'm dilating right now, so here comes a long post.

I'm only 5-ish weeks post-op, so my healing still has a ways to go, but already I think it looks really nice (my GP thinks so too, "very symmetrical" lol). I'm mostly straight, so I can't really attest to how similar it looks to a natal vagina, but I can tell you that the only real "tell" is the scarring, which will eventually diminish (hopefully completely, but only time will tell). I have all the parts: labia majora/minora, clit, etc. I'd imagine that if I saw my own bits (further along the healing process) on a cis girl, I wouldn't be able to tell. My labia majora is a bit darker than the rest of my skin, but that's normal in my ethnicity, and more internal bits are a light pink.

As far as aesthetics go, it depends on your surgeon. I went to Brassard, and from what I've heard, he prefers a shorter, neater labia minora. This is definitely the case in my results, and I wanted this kind of look, so I'm extremely happy with my aesthetic results. It's important to remember that there is a huge range in the appearance of natal vaginas too, so there isn't really a "norm", so to speak.

Dysphoria wise, all my genital dysphoria is gone, although sometimes I still get a bit upset over my lack of reproductive organs. And for me, it honestly feels so fucking right. I love it. I can look in the mirror naked and feel genuinely happy with what I see.

I have sensation inside and out, and my dilators going in feels really nice. I get sensations from my clit as the nerves heal, and can definitely feel a distinct ladyboner when I'm horny. I can't really say how sensitive it is, since I'm not allowed to play with it until the 8th week, but I can tell that it is sensate. I've also felt some self lubrication originating from my Cowper's gland.

tldr; 10/10, would do again, no regrets

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