What are some things that exist that you wish didn’t?

a child was likely abused to make it unless it's animated or something

This is one of my biggest problems with the idea of complaining about animated cp. Those who do it are equating a fiction to a reality, and in my opinion, diminishing the reality of what actual cp is in the process.

You literally cannot make real cp without abusing a child. It is impossible by the legal definition of the act, if not a psychological one as well. Meanwhile, there are precisely zero people harmed by the creation of a cartoon image.

Then some smartass comes in and tries to argue, "What if the cartoon version convinces someone to act out on a real person?" Completely oblivious to the fact that this is literally the same argument as, "What if violent video games convince people to act out real violence on real people?" or "What if violent music convinces people to act out real violence on real people?" We've been dealing with this bullshit argument for years.

Stop minimalizing the actual harm real cp has on the abused children by claiming that cartoon depictions have the same traumatic effects!

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent