What are straight-up facts people won't swallow?

No, it does not require a government, I have already given the examples of AnCom society.

So we need to abolish hierarchies, which is the point of Anarcho-Communism. People cant abuse power if everyone has roughly equal power and society is based around equal power.

If Human nature truly is corrupt then we should design our society to counteract that. But I don't believe that is what human nature is. Human nature is the prevailing socioeconomic condition as we can see from given libsoc societies.

Communism is not a pipe dream, I literally have given so many examples by now in this thread. My mind hasn't been corrupted at all, you insane person. Especially considering I'm an anarchist which aint very in favour of power structures.

Human nature has not achieved its highest by competition but cooperation you complete dipshit. Jonas Salk for one and I havent even googled anything yet.

Literally not though, because capitalism is powered by subjugation and communism is powered by not that. So you cant reach not subjugation by subjugation.

Go read a book you dip.

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