What are your opinions on "financial abortion"?

Unfortunately there's no logic to that at all. It doesn't matter what she chooses to do with the pregnancy it will always be the fault of both people. Simple as that.

Clearly both people fucked up and it resulted in a pregnancy, therefore both are responsible​.

Ways for men to prevent pregnancy:

don't have sex

only have sex with partners with the same childfree values

stop having meaningless hook ups often

condoms can fail, pay attention to them throughout sex to make sure there's no break

Use condoms with the pull out method

Do only oral with someone to satisfy the feelings

only sleep with girls that are on birth control (ask to see it if it's pill form)

Use all forms all together. Birth control, condoms and pulling out.

As mentioned above there are many ways a man can prevent pregnancy as best as he can. Some of them mentioned are not conventional, but again you cant have your cake and eat it to. If you have SUCH strong feels about never being responsible for a pregnancy in anyway, then straighten the fuck up and be smart about your choices of sex.

Also stop the bullshit of the "but there's still a possibility it could happen even doing those things" because now you're just trying to win an argument when it's not a competition. If a woman uses her birt control 100% properly taking it everyday, at the exact same time (or within 30 minutes of it) and never missed one pill, chances of it failing is 1%. Then with condoms and pulling out. The chance is so so so slim.

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