Rogue 2.0 Feedback

Thing is, there are WAYYYYYY more PVE whiners on reddit bitching about the DZ because they don't understand how to play or even what the DZ is! The majority of DZ players don't come here to champion the Rogue system but, those who consistently get wrecked or don't go into the DZ at all are always going on about how 'unfriendly' it is.

Massive like the non-observant people they are, come on here and see so many people crying about getting smashed in the DZ think 'oh my, look our whole community doesn't like the DZ because of a small group of people' when in fact its the bloody opposite. Really glad to see some DZ players come out and give their two cents. Fact is, the DZ is what made this game and is the reason most people are still playing. If there was no DZ, this game would be well and truly dead.

Keep the 2.0 changes, as we fucking needed to be rewarded for our manhunts but, for the love of God, keep friendly fire on! Or, at the very fucking least, keep it on for grenades, all of them.

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