What are your thoughts on this situation?

  1. You're in rebound mode. Do not start any relationship during this phase.
  2. If you think there is potential with this guy, be honest with him and let him know you're divorced BUT do not share your feelings of attraction. You both are still working in the same place. If you do, your life will be worse than it is now, shits going to hit the floor on many levels.
  3. Wait a 6mos - 1 year and let your head clear before dating again, because 99% of "relationships" that happen during this time will fail.
  4. Lastly, after your head clears and if the feeling is still there, find a new job and then let him know before you depart. You will avoid any awkwardness if the feeling is not mutual + you have bright things waiting for you if you get rejected.

Good luck!

/r/entj Thread