What are your thoughts on Answers in Genesis?

This is not true at all, that their arguments fall apart. Quite the opposite. Whether you choose to believe what the Bible clearly says is true or not in genesis 1-11, this ministry at the very least shines a big spotlight on the fallacies of data interpretation, philosophy and sheer outright lies that evolution propagates to further their agenda. If science had it wrapped up, they would win every debate. Instead they lose every debate and they will not debate creationists any longer. A big reason is the sneering condescension they bring to them, second they cannot answer questions about their methods or conclusions, and finally much of the so called proofs of evolution are supposition, have been falsified, or revealed to have been hoaxes. Like piltdown man fossil find, and even Lucy fossil has been questioned about how it was assembled. The circular reasoning that goes into laboratory measuring of rock ages.

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