What do you say to beaners who won't stop speaking in their shitty language?

That is 100% your fault not mine. THAT is where you should go to make funny posts to make people laugh, not here. But I already hear you running to the side bar to quote "anything goes" since you are to immature to realize why your troll posts hurt your reputation, despite you not being one of the hateful trolls, you are a troll, again, thats not my fault I lumped you with them. Be serious, get taken seriously. Don't, you wont. It's your call

My reputation?! its fucking Reddit, it's not that damn serious. That last post wasn't the only serious posts I have made, I delete them when I'm done with them. Other people answer my serious questions just fine no one goes in those threads questioning if I'm being serious or not. Because they can tell when I'm being serious, I'm sorry if you can't differentiate a shit post from a serious post. Explains why you respond to trolls so much and fall for their stupid shit.

I don't troll. Don't lump me in with you, gaydiologist, networkerror etc. I have actual problems, actual insecurities. Go ahead and look at my post history. You also mocked me for posting a pic of me in my undies trying to get myself to feel better. Way to go, you are no better than you think I am.

I never said you did and yeah you clearly do, but love to act like you don't. The comment I made about your ugly underwear was in response to you saying that I'm "either too gay or you're not gay enough" which I actually laughed at. I was messing with you but you clearly took it as an attack, but I guess expecting the users of /r/askgaybros to understand how actual bros talk to each other is too much for their retarded friendless brains to understand.

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