What is the best dating advice you've ever received?

One and three perfectly describe my first relationship. My now ex used to have a huge crush on me, and would always try to guilt trip me into dating him. I kept rejecting him until I began to go through a tough time, so I thought a relationship would make me feel better (Looking back it was a very stupid decision).

Months down he ended up being very controlling and would either argue with me or flat out ignore me if I did anything he didn't like, meanwhile I was trying to make it work. I honestly should have ended things then and there.

Eventually he broke up with me because he grew to dislike me after months of him trying to change me. A friend later told me his reasoning for doing so was because he liked me, but was embarrassed by who I was and friends with.

I moved on, but he wouldn't leave me alone afterwards and is continuing to make the rest of my Junior year hell. Going into detail would take forever. He's very determined to get under my skin through any means necessary.

I can't stop to think about how different things would be if I hadn't felt obligated to date him.

Before I dated him I had planned to ask out the girl I was actually in love with (who happened to be his best friend). We were both infatuated with each other, but my ex told me many times she wasn't interested and I, not knowing her feelings at the time believed him.

I wish I could give anyone who bothered to read this a happy ending, but the story here isn't quite finished, and I'm not sure how to handle the situation I'm in with only a month of school left.

I hate high school drama.

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