What can you not believe we still have to deal with in 2019?

Yes, but the insurance plans available are tiered.

You mean like tiered service plans in France?

Some are most expensive than others because they offer different levels of provision.

Awesome. People with different needs and priorities have choices. Just like France.

What I pointed out is that the absolute best medical care in the world comes at a price, and that having a market-driven system prices most people out of certain options° .

Youre right. The US is the best. But most people are not priced out. 300 of 327 million people are insured. You actually think a billionaire in France can't get healthcare that a working class person can't get! Fucking moron.

That's why the WHO and similar organisations don't rate the American healthcare as the best in the world,

Bullshit. That was 20 years ago, and it was a measure of distribution, not quality of care.

which by your reasoning they should.

What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't give any reasoning. Didn't even say the US was the best Healthcare system. I didn't say it's preferable to any other system. I get it now. You're lonely so you make up fake shit to argue about to get attention. You're pathetic.

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