What can you not take seriously?

The current world political environment. I saw a post that had world war 1 explained as a bar fight couple months back, the current similarities are daunting. We knew world politics was just a pissing match, has been for sometime, but they kept much of it behind closed doors, we knew it was bad but we didnt know it was as bad as it currently is, and at the end of the day i can only find it comical. We have spoiled brats for leaders in some of the more powerful and prolific countries in the world and they are acting accordingly, this shit with president Tangelo McOrangeface is some of the funniest bickering ive ever witnessed, and thats really sad, my entertainment for the week should not come from laughing at the missteps of my own government but it does. Until the next major elections i cant take anything seriously, because so few of those elected currently take anything seriously, its all just a dick measuring contest, it always was, but now people are just proverbialy flopping their cocks on the counter as the first move.

/r/AskReddit Thread