What caused Sanders' strong success on "Western Saturday?"

Painting all these problems as "rightist" is a classic sign of demagogue propaganda taking a hold of you. There are good people on both sides but the majority in your country are corporate goons playing on the same team and that team is not your team but their team.

Let me give you a few examples. My country and yours are doing about as good as each other in terms of growth, GDP per capita, etc. You have vastly more natural resources and population size on your side and not bogged down with massive immigration so we're actually out-performing you and punching above our weight but lets ignore that and lets say that "all things are equal" more or less in terms of our economies.

Now I get paid parental leave. Why don't you? My kids get free university education. Why don't yours? I get free health and dental care. Why don't you? I'm working a maximum 40 hours a week. How come you're working longer hours? I get paid vacation, 4-6 weeks depending on my union affiliations agreement with the employer's association, and can afford a trip abroad every single year. How come only one in ten Americans can afford the same? If I get fired from my job I can reeducate myself and create a new career. How come you're destined for unemployment and possibly homelessness? When I want to start a business, something I can easily do as given the above my disposable income is much higher than yours, the government will help me with a consultant and government subsidies for the delicate first period. How come your small businesses are serial failers and you risk losing everything? Etc etc etc.

There is no logical explanation to this, why you with all your wealth and natural resources not only should under-perform economically, but also why your people, your sons and daughters and friends and family, should be far worse off than I am. And for what? So that a few people and corporations can sit on their stacks of money and keep from innovation in a competitive climate while your export% is dwindling and your mountain of debt keeps rising.

And I hate to see you do this to yourself. You say you've not been hoodwinked but the fact is that the average American as well as the American economy as a whole is so much worse off than it should be and you're putting more effort into bombing and rebuilding the middle east rather than rebuilding your own country and making sure that every single citizen has a decent standard of living. That is objectively just plain wrong.

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