What Conspiracy theories ended up being true?

For those interested in 9/11 Quoting your entire comment, so when it gets deleted, I'll still have a copy.

>Suspicious Circumstances

>* Suspicious money transfers in domestic banks

>* The US received a dozen high profile warnings[10] about a specific attack to hijack aircraft and fly them into buildings leading up to 9/11

>* Plans to invade Afghanistan were made before the attacks

>* The ISI, who is funded by the CIA, funneled 100,000 to Atta before the attacks

>* The owner of Atta et al's flight school had been linked to cocaine smuggling. Iran/Contra anyone?

>* Suspicious insider trader occurred before 9/11. Of course, the SEC says its alright so nothing to worry about.

>* Intelligence agencies were told to 'back off' investigating bin laden by the bush administration after election

>* The security of WTC was heavily tied to intelligence agencies

>* Total Information Awareness was already established in the Pentagon before 9/11

>* Nearly 2 dozen suspicious deaths of people speaking out about 9/11

>* A study found nano-thermite particles in WTC dust

>* A tape made by FAA officials who dealt with hijacked aircraft describing the event was destroyed by a supervisor without a transcript being made

>* Regarding suspicious financial transactions, from Reuters: Convar has recovered information from 32 computers that support assumptions of dirty doomsday dealings.

>* FBI finding the highjackers passports several blocks away from the WTC, surving the impact of the plane crash. (/u/weedtastic)

>* Al Qaeda Leader Dined at the Pentagon Just Months After 9/11

>* "$43 million to the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan, the most virulent anti-American violators of human rights in the world today. The gift, announced last Thursday by Secretary of State Colin Powell, in addition to other recent aid, makes the U.S. the main sponsor of the Taliban and rewards that "rogue regime" for declaring that opium growing is against the will of God." - Los Angeles Times

>* 4 war games were in process during the attacks

>* The National Reconaissance Office " was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings." [(Published in 2002)]

>* Larry Silverstein finalizes WTC lease less than 2 months before the attacks.. He collected 3.5 billion and has sued for more including airline companies for responsibility

>* The Phoenix Memo: a letter sent to FBI headquarters on July 10, 2001 by FBI special agent Kenneth Williams recommending the assembling of a worldwide listing of civil aviation schools. Williams, then stationed in Phoenix, Arizona, was at the time investigating students at some of these schools for possible terrorist links.

>* “Pilots for 9/11 Truth has reported that the data stream from the flight data recorder (FDR) for American Airlines flight 77, which allegedly struck the Pentagon on 9/11, shows that the cockpit door never opened during the entire 90 minute flight. The data was provided by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which has refused to comment.” -Pilots for 9/11 truth

>* the world trade center buildings were designed to withstand attacks from airplanes

>* FBI says it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”

>* ‘USS Liberty’, ‘Gulf of Tonkin’, ‘Operation Northwoods’, 'Operation Gladio'

>* Ron Paul and other insiders have claimed the Patriot Act was drafted before 9/11. Regardless, Joe Biden claims his 1995 bill was the basis of the Patriot Act and it was passed less than 2 months after 9/11

>* Conspiracists (can I coin a new term conspiratorian?) Alex Jones and William Cooper both predicted 9/11

>* Over 1000 bodies are unaccounted for

>* Cheney ran the government from an underground control room on 9/11 because the executive order by the President four months earlier had permitted Cheney to bypass the previous protocol. (Meanwhile Bush was reading to kids at a school)

>* 13 renowned microbiologists die in under 5 months, 12 due to suspicious circumstances- Globe and Mail 2002. All have expertise relating to bioterrorism. Maybe connected to the Anthrax revelations.

>* On 8/2/2006, the Washington Post reported that "the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public" and that "the 10-member commission, in a secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation." Later, it was reported that NORAD's mistakes were due to "inadequate forensic capabilities" and "poor record-keeping."-WP

>* The CIA has destroyed 92 tapes of harsh interrogations of 9/11 suspects

>* Not 1 person has been held acountable for mistakes made leading up to and on September 11th.

>* Cheney and Bush asked John Daschle not to investigate 9/11 at all

>* [NORAD repeatedly lowered the number of fighters on alert the decades preceding 9/11- Commision Report

>* Marvin Bush, W's younger brother, was a key figure in the company that provided security for the WTC complex

>* Not one high level official was killed in the Pentagon

>* The SEC invoked emergence powers allowing the DoD to clear 240 billion in securities without the proper regulations.

>* Watch this CSPAN of FBI whistleblower Robert Wright's press conference. It is fascinating. He had been writing a manuscript of a book detailing how the FBI had been exposing US citizens to terrorist attacks through incompetence and coverups 'derilection of duty', but when 9/11 happened they put a gag order put on him. He breaks down when he is detailing how he can not go into the details of what he knows of the connections between the Bush administration and the Bin Ladens and other information.

>* He would later tell ABC: "September 11th is a direct result of the incompetence of the FBI's International Terrorism Unit"

/r/AskReddit Thread