What could you really use some help with right now?

We recently came into contact again and I'm a big believer in being able to be friends with exes. I've had it before and also have friends in that position. There's more to what I was saying, I was just getting to the core of the matter. It's just difficult to stop thinking about it. Knowing it's very likely she's going to stay in the toxic relationship she's in because she cannot stand the thought of being alone when she could be so fucking happy if she let that go. She's got such a wonderful family around her and a good life ahead of her. I just want to shake her, it's such a shame.

Alas, as you said, it's not up to me. I have already told her I'm going no contact with her again. She was blaming me being in her life again for these negative feelings towards her SO. Saying I'm reminding her of the relationship we had and that's making her question if the bad feelings towards her SO are real or just because she's comparing him to me. As far as I'm concerned, this isn't the case. The very reason we got back in contact is because she sent me a message asking for advice on how to break up with someone, I didn't get involved for obvious reasons but we started catching up and became friends again. My point is, she already wanted to get out of her relationship before we were friends again. She's just using me as a scapegoat because she's so scared of not being in a relationship. Again, it's sorted and I'm going no contact with her again. Only she can figure this out for herself but my fear is she's never going to figure this out for herself. She'll probably end up staying in the toxic relationship she's in now and live unhappy because she's so afraid of being alone. Which is such a waste of the opportunity she has of living a wonderfully happy life.

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