What has this country become ... fuck this trash country

This is a tricky thing though, because I'd argue that historically (and even presently) Western nationalism is far far more divisive. If anything, the EFF are taking a play out of the old Western nationalism rule book.

Interesting, any examples of the present nationalism being more divisive?

If anything, the EFF are taking a play out of the old Western nationalism rule book.

I will agree with you 100% as nationalism doesn't mean its always good. Look at Nazi Germany.

African nationalism, on the other hand, is far more inclusive and seeks to build. African nationalism grew out of the oppression of Western nationalism. Read Thabo Mbeki's I Am An African speech... That's essentially what African nationalism is about.

Indeed its also about keeping the white people out and merging all the black nations. A very racist ideal as it focuses on the fact that white people cant be African.

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