What is the craziest thing you did to ensure you passed a class knowing you were failing?

Oh man, my second semester of college, I took this class, art appreciation or something, that was at 8AM on Friday. So, I missed it a lot, cause I was 18, living on my own, and didn't know how to juggle fun and responsibilities. Anyways, this class was all participation. There were quizzes every day, and participation was judged on attendance, quizzes, and answering questions.

About 3/4 through the semester, I realize that I am failing, bad. And even if I attended every class thereafter and answered every question correctly, I was still going to fail. But I remembered the prof saying at the beginning of the semester that you could do all kinds of extra credit. I pored over the syllabus and there were actually tons of things you could do, mostly go to museums and take a photo with a certain piece and do a write up, and submit it back with your admission ticket. And there was no mention of any limits on extra credit.

So, in the two weeks before the semester ended, I did everything. I enlisted a friend and went on a whirlwind museum tour of our city and the surrounding areas. Sometimes we went to three in one day. We went to other art shows, staged our own interpretations of classic works of art, and at night I sat at my computer and did write up after write up.

On the last day of class, he was giving out grades and special acknowledgements, like for highest grade, best answers, etc., and gave out small prizes. Then he called me up and said that I had done the most extra credit of anyone since he'd been teaching that class, but he designed it that was because he felt that there were a lot of ways to appreciate art. I went from an F to an A and got a prize.

/r/AskWomen Thread