What is the craziest thing you have ever seen your parents do?

It’s probably not the craziest but I laugh every time I think of it. We were getting rid of this huge sectional. So I tell my mom I’ll help her move it after I get off work. I pull into the driveway with the 2nd floor window open and my mom trying to push out a sectional that will definitely not fit through it. A piece of the couch was already lying in the driveway. I walk inside to my mom holding on to the couch for dear life. She immediately yells for me to help her pull it back in, that if she lets it go, it’ll break the window. We got it back in but I almost died laughing and I’ve never let her live it down. She hates me every time I bring it up. She’s so impatient about things getting done exactly when she wants them done that she does crap like this all the time. Usually ends up wasting more of her time.

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