What did you get kicked out of your guild for?

Last week I had my keystone at +10 (CoS) and was pretty confident I could upgrade it with a decent guild group with voice chat.
The guild's offtank offered to join and tank it. We got a group with the lowest member of it being him at ilvl 870. He wiped at the first boss and pulled half the room, logged off and came back 30 minutes later.
I whispered him that it was a dick move to fuck up my keystone and he told me to fuck off, so I made a screenshot and sent it to the main officer - the main tank.
So yesterday we run Heroic EN and start attempting mythic. We clear Nythendra from 1 try in which I died due to Surrender to Madness. I got flamed hard despite being 3rd top dps and was declined my BiS trinket after winning the roll. Then we tried Dragons and it was a wipefest. After 3 tries the main tank flamed everyone in voice chat and left.
The offtank started justifying his actions, so I started making subtle remarks that only he would get. He called me a shit player and told me the guild doesn't need me at all (even though 2 other people and I carried our first few heroic runs).
This morning I was guildless, so I filed an application to my server's top guild and got accepted for a trial this Sunday.

/r/wow Thread