What do you do if you have an anonymous online stalker trying to ruin your reputation/life ?


this is gonna sound kinda paranoid... but i think i might have an online stalker who is trying to ruin any chance i might have of meeting anyone on any social media or dating site where i am not anon.

and i don't just mean a romantic relationship, i mean even a friend.

about a month ago i was interacting in a forum thread and someone in that thread messaged me.
the woman who messaged me said that someone anonymous had messaged her, and told her that i was a sicko who had abused and stalked this anon person for two years.

this woman who messaged me said i was a sick fuck and she hoped i was raped and killed... pretty intense level of hatred for someone i had barely ever interacted with.

now at first i brushed it off... but then i started realizing there was something weird going on...

people who i had friended on social media started blocking me...

seemingly out of the blue, people i had only occasionally talked to but in a totally cordial way, people who i was just casual friends with or who i had some romantic interest in...

i started looking back on the people who had suddenly blocked me and looking at the conversations, i couldn't find any kind of pattern. no fights or anything i could figure out would have made the person think i was mean or dangerous in any way...

i started to really worry recently that this one woman who messaged me was not a one off event. that in fact someone is messaging anyone i interact with on several social media platforms and telling them i am some kind of monster.

now let me be clear on something, not only have i never stalked anyone, i have never even had any kind of relationship with anyone that lasted a year, let alone two.
if someone doesn't want to talk to me, that's totally fine. even a simple "not interested" and i'll just move on, there are a lot of people in the world...

and i mean... i recognize that i am weird.

i'm autistic and a lot of people don't want to deal with my social weirdness...

but this seems like it goes beyond that...

it just seems so sudden, people i barely even talked to blocking me after a few back and forths of the most innocuous conversation.

i dunno what to do about this... it really seems like someone is attempting a wholesale character assassination for some reason. i can't think of any reason they would do this to me, i don't understand it at all.

maybe i'm just paranoid, but that one message i got from that one lady saying someone messaged them is making me think that this is actually happening...


anyone have any advice?

/r/AskReddit Thread