What have you done for over 10,000 hours but still suck at?

If you ask my ex wife it would be World of Warcraft. She's been playing 20-60 hours a week since vanilla. She has been playing her paladin since Warlords of Draenor and she still doesn't know how to play her class. She gets straight carried in mythic because she's a girl online, had to start emotionally cheating on me with one of the officers to keep her spot. She's consistently the lowest dps, most deaths every raid and she is legit stupid that she doesn't stand out of shit on the ground.

She loves World of Warcraft so much she neglects our kids for it too. You'd think she be a fucking pro but she's literally worse than our 5 year old. And she's too dense to understand the over simplified game mechanics/class mechanics...

I honestly don't know how someone who invest that much time into the game. Literally only talks about World of Warcraft, can be so bad at it. But, to be fair the only thing she's ever been good is popping out kids, she's the epitome of below standard in all aspects of life.

/r/AskReddit Thread