What I don't understand about Married Red Pill

You're having trouble grasping this because you think this is a "game." Were you ever told, "when you get a girl's number, wait two full days before you call her?" You're basically trying to look like you have this busy and captivating life, and it took you a full 48 hours before, oh yeah, you should get around to calling back that cool girl you met last weekend. When really, you were staring at that phone number every five minutes, picking up your phone, and resisting every impulse to call her.

So yes, that was a game. You were signaling something different than how you actually felt. But you probably think your investment is limited to just the signaling. When the signaling is no longer needed, you stop. So you basically you feel like a used car salesman telling the prospective buyer "I need to talk to the manager." You know it's a bullshit move, you're pretty sure the buyer knows it's a bullshit move. It's an act, a charade, much like the 2-Day rule with girls. You're thinking, "Is this what Dread Game is? A bunch of used car salesman techniques I know are mostly bullshit?"

Sadly, the phrase "Dread Game" doesn't do itself any favors. The word "Dread" is, obviously, not a positive one. Imagine TRP advice was, "you should HateFuck your wife." A reasonable response would be, "How am I supposed to HateFuck -- or Hate Anything -- someone I love? I can't do that! And if I did, it would be a purely artificial construct. She'd probably just see right through it, and even if she didn't, that's even worse because that would mean I'd need to keep pretending I hate my wife to HateFuck her! You're saying my wife will only love me if I hate her? Then what the fuck is the point?"?

And then there's the word "Game." In the context of romantic relationships, we generally frown on "playing games." We say things like, "she just likes playing games with guys' hearts" or "just forget him, he's obviously just playing games with you." We consider ourselves so enlightened and mature when we tell our significant others, "I'm not looking for any games, I'm ready for something serious now." Games are for kids, right? Or, at best, they're for guys in their 20s to have to pretend they're busier than they are before they call a girl back.

Hopefully you've been nodding your head so far and going, "Yeah, OK... well, exactly! So why do you all recommend this as a solution?"

So here's my response:

Because we're not playing any games. We're not calling the girl back before two days because we ACTUALLY had shit to do those two days. We're talking to the manager in the used car dealership because we ACTUALLY have to talk to the manager. And while we want to have sex with our wives, we won't seek it at the expense of disrespecting ourselves, our time, and our family, because we ACTUALLY have other shit to do to improve ourselves and our lives.

The inverse of "Dread" is being taken for granted. This is the position a lot of us on r/marriedredpill found ourselves in. So we're saying, stop acting in ways that make it easy for her to take you granted. If she doesn't want to have sex, go do something else. At the beginning, this will probably seem artificial. Say you're watching some shitty reality TV show. You're cuddling on the couch, you're feeling frisky, she shuts you down. You then get up to do something else. And your wife says, "Where are you going?" And you say, "Eh, feel like taking a jog, I've been on my ass all day today." And your wife says some version of, "So I turned you down for sex and so you're just going to withdraw like that?"

Well, yeah. Because you were only watching the shitty reality TV show, hoping that would lead to sex. But there's no sex, so you have other shit to do. You always had other shit to do, you just never chose to do it before. It will be jarring to her, and even jarring to you. You're exercising an option that you've always had but never used. It seems arbitrary, and artificial. Why start now?

Because pretending to like a shitty reality TV show is just as artificial! So again, why start now? The real answer question is: why haven't you started until now?

/r/marriedredpill Thread