What Economic Recovery; 62% of Americans don’t even have $1000 in savings

I'm 27, had to move into a new apartment at short notice two months ago, and then had my tire slashed on my car. I currently have -$10 to my name. My car has a spare on it. I'm behind on a couple of bills. I work my ass off, but I've been hit by several hundred dollars worth of fees and bullshit this summer just because of bad luck. This is the kind of shit that all the fucking financial geniuses in this thread don't account for. This is the shit that they're talking about when they say people don't even have money to deal with emergencies. On average I eat one shift meal per day when I work, and save half for my two days off every week. People here would assume I'm some irresponsible asshole, but I've just had terrible luck recently. I'm in the process of selling off a bunch of possessions that are dear to me just because I can't afford to go into any kind of debt. Hell, if I made even $10 an hour I'd be better off, but apparently that makes me greedy. Don't really know where I'm going with this, but every single motherfucker in this thread acts like this isn't a true fact, and that somehow it isn't directly related to our inhumane culture that puts money over human interest.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - news.goldseek.com